In times of economic struggle, the best way to survive is to save money. The process is not as difficult as it sounds. You can turn any situation into a money-saving opportunity. By spending frugally, you will have more money for the pockets or the bank account. Following these four tips will really help you out!
1. Think Less
The first tip in saving money is to change your mindset. You must be geared toward saving. That means you need to step back and think before you make any purchases of any kind. Ask yourself if you can get that item any cheaper. Ask yourself if you can wait to purchase the item. Then ask yourself if you even need that item at all. Only purchasing the essentials is another key part of frugal living. That does not mean that you have to wear tree leaves instead of clothing. It just means that now may not be the time for a brand new Xbox.
2. Park Your Car
Gas is one of the most expensive products out there. You can save an astronomical amount of money by leaving your car parked more often. Instead of paying approximately $7 for a thirty-mile trip in your car, you could take public transportation for a little over $3. That may not sound like much cash, but over the course of a week, it adds up to $28. Bicycling is an option for short trips. Biking is great exercise and it saves a ton of money..
3. Visit Thrift Shops and Yard Sales
Everyone needs clothing and household items, but the frugal shopper will know where to purchase them. If you desperately need clothing or shoes, the thrift shops have a wide selection of such items. Not everything is perfect, but you will find some items that are almost new. You just have to be patient and do a little bargain hunting. Garage or yard sales are also excellent places to find clothing and household goods. Things like pots and pans, furniture, electronics, and small appliances are usually available at these locations. Sometimes you will find them for ridiculously low prices, Make a habit of cruising yard sales on the weekends just to look for things that you need.
4. Stretch Your Food
Stretching your food means buying only food items that will last two or three days. Make dishes like chicken and dumplings, stews, and pots of beans instead of one meal wonders. Also, instead of spending $3 on a small can of soda pop, buy a $1 gallon of water and a $.33 cent package of Kool-Aid mix or iced tea, which make a whole gallon.
Kristen Thorn loves to blog about saving money, the stock market auto insurance quotes & term life insurance.
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