Gone are the days when managing your personal finances meant dragging out a pencil, some paper and a calculator. Today’s personal finance tools have gone high-tech. Now you can see exactly where your money is going at a glance with three of the best tools to manage your personal finances. Track every expense and all of your income and make changes from your computer screen. By using these personal finance tools, you can be in charge of your money and enjoy financial freedom.
Arguably the most popular of all of the personal finance tools, Mint integrates your banking information and tracks your money daily. See how much you are actually spending for coffee, bank fees and hair styling with this handy tool that helps you manage your money. Mint’s software will remind you when a bill is due, research interest rates on credit purchases and allow you to manage online bill pay. Mint’s service is free and user-friendly. It can help you plan investments, save for a goal or pay off debt. Mint can be used anywhere there is an Internet connection, so there is no need to download software to your computer.
Microsoft Money
This Windows-based system is a favorite of hardcore home budgeters because of its attention to detail. Microsoft Money comes in several versions ranging in price from free to $60, depending on its features. Add in your recurring bills and debts and Money will send you reminders when a bill is due and subtract them from your budget balance. With Money, you can run reports and graphs that give you a visual picture of where your money is going. Microsoft Money is not web-based, so you will have to download it to your personal computer.
A crowd favorite, Quicken is one of the most effective software choices for home budgeters. Use Quicken to analyze tax payments, plan for retirement and pay daily bills. Available for both Windows and Mac, Quicken is a great home companion for your personal financial budgeting needs. Quicken has recently introduced an online version of its standalone software, and the online edition features many of the same tools as the software-based version. Of all of the personal finance tools, Quicken is the oldest, having made its debut in 1983. Like the others Quicken can be integrated with your bank account information for the most accurate picture of your finances.
Whatever your financial picture, there is a personal finance tool that will simplify your life. There are both software and web-based options that will track your spending, savings and investments. Plan for future goals and enjoy your current ones with financial tools that allow you to make your money work for you.
John works for one of the leading chartered accountants in his area. While managing your personal finances is definitely a recommendation of his, he also recommends that you take the time and spend the money to talk to professional accountants, as they can provide insights that will be far more valuable than you may ever realise. Spending the time and money to select the right accountant will ensure your finances go even further and you get the most return come tax time.
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